Other Products for Retailers by Perceptus
ADSL for Retailers and our Physical Inventory Counting System
At Perceptus, we've worked with many local retail chains and we've learned the ins-and-outs of your industry. We now offer retailers these two great values:
Ivy DSL - the best value in ADSL based Internet for BC and Alberta retail chains
Perceptus has offered ADSL under the Ivy DSL banner since early 2009 as a private beta with a couple of local retail chains for whom we do contract work. Ivy DSL is now available to the public. Visit IvyDSL.com for details.
Bean Counting - the physical inventory counting system.
The Bean Counting physical inventory counting system is aimed at small to medium sized retailers who are looking for a high value solution to doing regular physical inventory counts of store and warehouse inventories.
It can work hand-in-hand with almost any point of sales system to keep your inventory levels in your computer system as accurate as possible. It also helps you calculate the proper shrinkage values for your year end bean counting requirements (i.e. taxes).
The product has successfully been used by retailers of clothing, bags and luggage, and gift shops.