Perceptus is proud of our growing family of websites.
Our eclectic collection of company owned websites grows every year. Some are small, some are big, most are loved.
At Perceptus, we have many ideas for websites to create. Unfortunately, only a few ever get developed. As of today, these are the sites that we own and maintain:
-, Perceptus' Free Bingo Card Creator
One of the best ways to print a few (hundred) bingo cards on the web. We dynamically generate PDF files to make printing the custom bingo cards precise and trouble free.
the Naque For Unique Names
Some great tools and resources to create unique names for kids, companies, products, websites, or anything else.

Papaya Polls
At Papaya we provide simple tools to create online surveys without worries.

The Perceptus Blog
Our corporate blog keeps people up to date with Perceptus' activities. We share news about enhancements to our sites. There are also many bits of a geeky nature. What is more interesting to the general public, is our postings about the trials and tribulations such as taxes, currencies, and paper work, that a small Vancouver based firm faces on a daily basis.
The Perceptus Web Tools
A few web based, text and number processing tools that we've cooked up. A bit of a work in progress.
The Perceptus Forums
A common forum for our sites and services that do not warrant a complete forum on their own.
Vancouver Computer Shops
A site to chat about technology and computers in Vancouver and browse links to local computer shops.